Welcome to the "A Cup of Gratitude" Blog
Welcome to the “A Cup of Gratitude” Blog. I am so excited that you are here! I started the “A Cup of Gratitude” podcast in Late January of 2021. I wanted to share the goodness of God even in the most difficult times. I wanted people to embrace hope even amid a pandemic. Every week I share an interview with different people from all walks of life. Some are famous, and some don’t even have a social media account, but all of them share stories of grace and gratitude. The unifying factor in every one of their extraordinary stories is an encounter with our faithful, loving, patient God. The podcast has become global, currently being listened to in 90 Counties and more than 1500 Cities all over the world. This blog will be another space where I share the everyday moments of life that help us to see the supernatural goodness of God. My hope is to encourage you and to provide a platform where I can support other bloggers and authors by offering guest posts as well. I love community and connection; it is definitely a big part of my life, and am excited to hear from you as you join me on this journey! My Instagram and Facebook platforms are great places to join for more personal interaction. Those links are available here on the website on the Home page. Please subscribe to get notified when a new blog post is ready. Occasionally, I will have free printable items here to share with you and have plans for digital download offerings. I can’t wait to see all that God has for us together! Thank you for your time, and have a great day!